Monday 8 January 2018

Custard apple and its benefits

                                                        CUSTARD APPLES 

Custard apples are anti oxidants like vitamin c. Custard apples are cultivated to South America, West Indies, and some other parts of Asia. An average custard apple usually weighs around 250 g and is of conical or heart shape. It has a green outer covering with bumpy texture. It can be used for ice cream, deserts and etc. It will help to save from disease and disorders.
Custard apples have many benefits like heart attack, skin, bone, and maintain blood pressure and also it cure ulcers and gum.
Custard apples like many nutrition such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, calcium, copper, fibre and phosphorous.



            Custard apples are anti oxidants like vitamin C. It can fight free radicals preventing disease.


            It works against constipation.


           It can be very active to our body and remove the lethargies. It also fights against muscle weakness.


          Vitamin A helps to eyes, skin and hair healthy.


          It helps to maintain our water balance in the body.


          It helps to smooth digestion and easier constipation.

  • ·       Calories values are 80 to 101g.
  • ·       Protein values are 68g.
  • ·       Carbohydrates values are 20g.
  • ·       Fat values are 0.5g.
  • ·       Calcium values are 17.6mg.
  • ·       Phosphorous values are 14.7mg.
  • ·       Iron values are 0.42g.
  • ·       Ascorbic acid is 15mg.
  • ·       Nicotinic acid is 0.5mg.
  • ·       Thiamine values are 0.075mg.
  • ·       Riboflavin values are 0.086mg.


  • Custard apples improves our weight of our body and it mix with honey so many calories can get to our body.
  • It prevents pregnant women because it can reduce the labour pain during child birth. Pregnant women can regularly use of custard apples to become good breast milk. Pregnant women need a good supply of copper because its deficiency can lead to premature birth of the baby. Consuming custard apple during pregnancy is very healthy.
  • Custard apples can use to prevent asthma attacks and to reduce bronchial inflammation.
  • Custard apples prevents heart attack. It can defend from cardiac attack and to relax the muscles. It can cure heart disease also and will help to vitamin B6. Custard apples provide instant energy upon consumption due to high carbohydrate content. It also fights fatigue and eliminates muscle weakness.
  • Custard apples can reduce cholesterol and reduce the blood pressure level.
  • Custard apples are very useful for diabetic patients. It can be slow down the absorption of sugar.
  • Custard apples protest against osteoporosis. It contains more minerals to cure several diseases. These fruits are rich in phosphorous, which help to strengthen the memory.
  • Custard apples are excellent sources of the natural antioxidant Vitamin C. This vitamin is famous for its distinctive anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties. Just one serving of this creamy fruit in your daily diet will provides better resistance against infectious agents.
  • Vitamins B in custard apples control the GABA neuron chemical levels in our brain. This fruit prevent the chances of Parkinson’s disease.



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