Saturday 17 February 2018

Banana health news


                The banana is an essential fruit. It has an important fruit for many countries. It`s native to south and southeast Asia. Bananas are commonly found in Europe and America. Banana has unique growth characteristics. Banana can be found in other colors, including red and green.
            A banana tree is the largest flowering herbaceous plant in the world. Wild banana growth in large. It`s seeds are very hard. The banana plant grows 10 to 26 feet. Banana plants are not tree. They are herbal type.

            A  rows of banana is called “hand”. And also a single banana is called “finger”. The average weight of banana is 125 grams. It contains 75% water. Banana has high nutritional value and it was healthy snack. It contains vitamins like vitamin B6, vitamin C, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin ,potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper and minerals.



Weight loss

                One banana has approximately 90 calories. They don`t contain any facts .It is also helping them lose weight naturally.

Strengthens bones

                Banana are one of the best fruit for healthy bones. It reduces our osteoporosis affect. It reduces natural weakness. Banana contains calcium. So it helps to regrowth the bones.

Anti – inflammatory properties

                Banana contains anti – inflammatory in nature. It can reduce selling and inflammation. Adding a banana for a day, it boosts nutrients.

Treats piles

                Bananas have anti – inflammatory properties. So it treats piles. It associated pain that often leads to itching and worsening of the condition.

Treats constipation

                Banana helps in smooth bowel movements. It contains fiber. This fiber increases motion. It stimulated the body’s peristaltic motion. It can help reduce unhealthy digestive condition. As well as reduce cancer level.

Treats ulcer

                Banana is antacid food. They contain proteins that prevent the harmful bacteria associated with the development of stomach ulcer. The cells in our stomach lining encourage function. So it treats ulcer.

Treats kidney disorder

                Banana contains potassium. So it helps to regulate the fluid balance in the body. It induces the kidney function. At the same time there are compounds of Andolusons that favorably affect the concentration of kidney function and toxins.

Improves vision

                It contains vitamin C and carotenes. It reduces macular degeneration, cataracts, night blindness, glaucoma. It increases the health of your eyes.

Healthy heart

                Banana contains potassium. So it essential for your heart. It helps maintain a regular heart beat and proper balance of water in the body. It reduces the risk of stroke, blood pressure and prevent various heart disease.

Treat Anemia

                Banana contain high iron content. So it treats anemia. It is an important element in the creation of red blood cells. By increasing the number of red blood cell, you can prevent anemia.

Type of banana

Cavendish banana

                Cavendish bananas are the most common variety. It was super soft and browning. It used to make smoothies or banana bread. It was long yellow.

Red banana

                It was many type of red banana. It contains lot of carotene vitamin C, vitamin B6 and potassium. They are grown semi-wild along roadsides in tropical countries.

Plantain banana

                Plantain banana has green skin. They are starchy and not sweet. Its native to India. It was cooking banana. The interior color of the fruit will creamy , yellow and light pink.

Burro banana

                It mostly grown in Mexico. It has yellow skin. It is rectangular shape. It also called chunky banana. It has black spots when it’s ripe.

Manzano banana

It is very unique. It was tastiest like strawberry and apple. It was also known as “apple banana’’. It was thick skinned golden yellow.

Nino banana

It was three inches long. It gets sweet flavor. It was also known as “lady finger banana”. It was thick , bright yellow peel.

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